welcome to the ivf heroEs universe


How many companies are in the fertility field?

Who are they?

Are they adding value or just taking from the pie?

Finally, there is a single source of truth

The IVF Heroes Universe is a digital catalog of all companies in the fertility space who provide products and services to fertility clinics and IVF labs. 

This is a free resource for fertility professionals and patient-consumers  trying to keep track of all of the companies in the fertility space, and what value they add.

Inside Reproductive Health has assembled the comprehensive list: roughly 400 companies.

Future editions will allow for multiple category tags. All companies in the 2024-2025 edition are assigned to one of eighteen primary categories:

  1. At Home Testing

  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  3. Cryostorage/Cryosafety

  4. Diagnostic/Testing

  5. EMR/Clincal Operations Software/Practice Management System

  6. Egg Bank/Sperm Bank/Surrogacy Agency

  7. Fertility Clinic Network/MSO

  8. Fertility Clinic Devices and Equipment

  9. Genetics/Genomics

  10. Insurance/Employee Benefit Management

  11. IVF Lab Devices and Equipment

  12. Patient Concierge/Digital Clinic

  13. Patient Finance

  14. Pharmaceuticals

  15. Pharmacy

  16. Professional Services

  17. Professional Society/Patient Advocacy Organization/Non-Profit

  18. Supplements

Each company’s name is listed under their primary category with a link to their website. Inside Reproductive Health provided this listing to all of the companies for free.

Many companies have micro mission statements and a profile page to tell you what they are doing to improve each of these three measures of value**:

  1. Cost to Baby**

  2. Time to Baby**

  3. Life Disruption to Baby**

We made those sponsorships easy and affordable because we want every company in the fertility space to show you their commitment to adding value to the field.

Those companies who choose not to sponsor will have a series of question marks next to their company’s name.

Share this with your company’s marketing team so that your company’s commitment to the fertility field is crystal clear

The IVF Heroes Universe digital catalog will be published on Thursday October 17, 2024 at 9am EDT.

Have Additional Questions?

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**The Key Performance Indicators of Time to Baby, Dollars to Baby, and Life Disruption to Baby, are the thought products of Dr. David Sable and Abigail Sirus. The criteria are not original to Inside Reproductive Health. The focus of this Inside Reproductive Health project would have been a lot more superficial without Dr. Sable's and Ms. Sirus’s inspiration. You should read more of their work.